Research interest
Engineering Heritage in Belgium and RD Congo (19th-20th Centuries)
Current and past research projects in the field of Construction History
Valorisation of the archives of the contractor Blaton (Brussels): archival research and publication. AAM project 2014-2016, with prof. B. Espion (ULB), prof. M. Provost (ULB), prof. R. Devos (ULB) and dr. ir. A. Hellebois.
Representative publications in the field of Construction History
B. Espion, M. Provost, O. Bastin and P. Bouillard, ‘Three historic railway bridges in Katanga, DR Congo’, Bridge Engineering (Proceedings of the ICE), Vol. 168, N°BE 2, June 2015, pp. 173-180 .
Denoël, J.-F., Espion, B.,Hellebois, A. and Provost, M. (eds), ‘Histoires de Béton Armé. Patrimoine, Durabilité et Innovations’, Bruxelles: FEBELCEM et FABI, 2013.
Attas, D., & Provost, M. (eds). Bruxelles, sur les traces des ingénieurs bâtisseurs. Bruxelles: CIVA, 2011.
Attas, D., & Provost, M. (eds). Brussel: in de voetsporen van de bouwkundig ingenieurs. Brussel: CIVA, 2011.