Mission statement Teams People Research projects News and activities Links Contact Research projects Action de recherche concertÉe MICM-ARC CULTURE, MOBILITÉ, TERRITOIRE Architectural ceramics and wood floors in Brussels Brussels archaeological Survey (BAS) : Étude archÉologique, architecturale et historique des caves et salles basses à Bruxelles (XIIIe-XIXe siÉcles) Blaton et la construction de la ville 1865-2015 Building Brussels. Brussels city builders and the production of space, 1794 – 2015 CITY AND SOCIETY IN THE LOW COUNTRIES (1200-1850) Construction History: STrategic research Programs – Growth Funding DYNAMIQUES URBAINES ET CONSTRUCTION DANS L’OCCIDENT MÉDIÉVAL ENGINEERED TIMBER ENTREPRENEURIAL STRATEGIESOF BUILDING CONTRACTORS Entrepreneurs, master craftsmen, workers and merchants General contractors (1870-1970) INVENTAIRE TYPOLOGIQUE ET DENDROCHRONOLOGIQUE DES CHARPENTES ANCIENNES EN REGION DE BRUXELLES-CAPITALE Les matériaux ferreux dans la construction. Des origines au milieu du 20e siècle Post-War Building Materials in Housing in Brussels (1945-1975) PRESERVING HISTORICAL URBAN WAREHOUSES BY UNDERSTANDING THEIR ARCHITECTURE AND TECHNOLOGY RESTORATION STRATEGIES FOR STONE IMITATING RENDERS RETROCO. Understanding and conserving the post-war housing stock in Brussels (1945-1975) THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON EARLY REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURES “Tout le Congo est un chantier” TYPOLOGY AND TECTONICS IN PUNE'S RECENT CITY ARCHITECTURE: AN EFFECT OF THE CHANGIN